Get Paid to Take Surveys

Get Paid to Take Surveys Overview and Lists
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I've been getting paid to take surveys for a long time now. Many people think there are surveys out there that pay thousands of dollars and allow you to test and keep home entertainment systems. The truth is, these types of survey opportunities do exist, but the odds of you coming across one are next to nil. So realign your expectations.

Most survey sites pay between $0 and $10 per completed survey. Many pay you in points that are redeemable for cash, gift certificates, magazine subscriptions and things like that. You will not make much money taking surveys. However, the true joy of survey taking is in expressing your opinion. I know for a fact that surveys serve a purpose. I have taken many surveys on new products before they came out and I see my opinion reflected in the ads.

Most surveys take anywhere from a few minutes to up to an hour. Most ask you multiple-choice questions and a few require that you write a sentence or two. Some require you to watch an advertisement or sometimes a whole television show before asking you your opinions. Many offer referral bonuses or have an affiliate program where you can earn some extra money.

You cannot take all the available surveys. It’s possible that you will not meet certain requirements and you will be screened out. Even if you do not get to finish the survey, most sites will give you an entry in a sweepstakes or drawing. They are typically monthly, quarterly or some other –ly. I’ve only ever won one of those once, it was a hundred bucks. I was happy.

Some surveys do want you to test a new product. Over the years, I have received various items in the mail from new types of soaps to new cologne to try. Here is the list of survey sites that I have participated in personally. These sites have paid me. I will not list sites where I have not been personally paid on this list.

Survey Sites
SurveySavvy - About SurveySavvy - Go to Survey Savvy
Global Test Market - About GTM - Go to GTM

Non-Survey Sites...That Offer Surveys

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